2015-№4(49) Article 12

O.M. Valova, T.V. Shcherbakova

Humanism Vs. terrorism in Oscar Wilde’s tragedy “Vera, or the nihilists”. P. 132-142.

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UDC 821.111.“19”


The article analyses Wilde’s insufficiently studied tragedy Vera, or the Nihilists, in which the author is among the first to meditate about the origins, the essence and the spread of nihilism, about the anti-human nature of this phenomenon and its transformation into terrorism. Wilde emphasized the conditional character of place and time in the play, thus drawing attention to the general laws of spreading nihilism, its essence, relations between conspirators and authorities. In the title Wilde reveals two possible ways of modern society, the path of humanism, or the path of nihilism. Wilde’s first play places him among the outstanding thinkers of the late 19th century. Wilde predicts a tragic downfall of the state because of those who strive for social changes by means of killing.

“new drama”, “Vera, or the Nihilists”, tragedy, nihilism, terror, I.S. Turgenev



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