2015-№4(49) Article 9

A.V. Safronov

Romantic discourse in A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s “Cancer ward” (Ryazanian period). P.99-113.

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UDC 882-3(09)«19»


A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s “Cancer Ward” is one of the most significant works of the writer created in Ryazan. The writer raised such eternal problems as the sense of life, love and death, morality of the regime, material and spiritual poverty of the Post-Stalin Russia, possibility of complete recovery and its price. Endless discussions on routine and existential problems can be traced back to F. Dostoevsky’s philosophical novels. A.I. Solzhenitsyn places his characters in a cancer ward to reveal spiritual ailments they suffer from and to analyze their nature. The author never moralizes. He depicts the reality both realistically and symbolically. His novel can be treated as a social psychological research, an investigation of love. Speaking about his characters (Podduev, Russanov, Zatsyrko, Chaly, Kostoglotov and others), he depicts their love in a spiritual, sensual, and routine way. Neither of the love stories is finished. Using little details, his characters’ dialogues, and symbols, A.I. Solzhenitsyn tries to show a possibility of curing the soviet society of its social cancer.

Solzhenitsyn, Ryazanian period, crisis, sensual and spiritual, love as a master of death, female characters, soviet society, symbolism



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