2015-№1(46) Article 11

N.S. Kolotilova

Numerals 1, 2, 3 in German language: new formations and ancient relicts. P. 116-125.

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UDC 811.11


German numerals are undeservedly under-researched. The article treats German cardinal and ordinal numerals ‟oneˮ, ‟twoˮ, ‟threeˮ and words derived from them. Alongside with new forms of numerals the German language makes use of relict forms, the etymology of which is rather vague. Dictionary analysis throws light on the etymology of words, which ensures a better understanding of this part of speech. The paper expresses a number of suppositions concerning the historical development of words in their new acoustic forms, and concerning the connection between some geographical names and the analyzed numerals.

numerals, ordinal numerals, one, two, three, один, два, три, etymology, obscuring, place names, ancient relicts



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