2015-№1(46) Article 8

N.I. Sockolova

Concepts of poetry in tractarians’ literary theory. John Keble’s “Lectures on poetry. P.82-93.

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UDC 820-1(09):283


The article is devoted to John Keble’s “Lectures on Poetry”, the major work of Tractarian literary criticism. The Oxford movement is characterized, the essence of Keble’s ideas of poetry’s role in realization of Tractarians’ principles, of the link of poetry and religion is explayned. The romantic theory’s influence upon Keble, his perception of oracular tradition in easthetics are underlined. Particular attention is paid to principles of “sincerity” and “modest reserve”, declared by Keble. Keble’s attitude to a poet’s personality, his understanding of the source of creative activity are revealed. Literary concepts of one of Tractarians’ leaders are regarded in context of Victorian aesthetics and literary criticism, the influence of his ideas on Victorian poetry is accented.

the Oxford movement, poetry, poet, principle of sincerity, principle of “modest reserve”, Tractarianism



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