2016 №2 (51) Article 12

N.S. Kolotilova

The reduction of adjectival actants: valency at the supra-phrasal level. Р. 121- 132.


UDC 811.112

The reduction of adjectival actants is an important means of interphrasal connection. Some scholars treat reduction as structural compression. Such reduction can be seen in sentences with impersonal passive. Other scholars treat reduction as sense compression, which needn’t be accompanied by any structural transformation. The author of the article maintains that reduction should be treated as omission (elimination) of adjectival actants. The valency of a verb, in this case, is realized at the level of a supra-phrasal unit. The possibility to restore the omitted adjectival actants serves as a prerequisite for reduction, whose evolution is the main issue of this research.

Reduction of adjectival actants, valency of a verb, verb-centered theory, omission, compression, supra-phrasal unit.


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