2016-№3(52) Article 17

E.S. Bogdanova

Metaphors in fictional texts: functions, perceptions, interpretations. P. 134- 145.


UDC 82.0

The article treats metaphor as a characteristic feature of a fictional text. It present a review of modern scholars’ ideas about metaphor and the role of this trope in a work of fiction. The article analyzes scholars’ views on the nature of metaphors and their functions in a fictional text. The article maintains that metaphorical expressions allow the author of a fictional text to express meanings and senses that cannot be expressed by means of direct nomination. Moreover, metaphors play an important role in the plot and structure of a fictional text, they carry evaluative connotations, invoke suggestion. The article analyzes the role of metaphor in Russian poetry and prose, V.V. Nabokov’s short story “Spring in Fialta” in particular. V.V. Nabokov employs metaphor to create the space and the time of the text, to depict the traits and states of his characters, to show the dynamics of their relations, to explore implications, to create the structure of the text, to develop the plot. The author treats the decoding of metaphors and figurative meanings as a perquisite for an adequate perception and interpretation of a fictional text. The author maintains that an adequate interpretation of a fictional text requires the analysis of linguistic and situational contexts as well as the analysis of linguistic and cultural competencies of potential readers.

fictional text, metaphor, metaphorical expression, the role of metaphors, metaphor classification, perception and interpretation of a fictional text.


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