2016-№3(52) Article 6

M.V. Tretyakova

About the legation of Venetian ambassador Giovanni Soranzo at the court of Philip II in the 60th in the 16th century: «Household of the King» of Spain. P. 43- 48.


UDC 930.22(09)(45:460)“15”

The article discusses the features of court life at the court of King Philip II of Spain in the early 60s XVI century from the point of view of the Venetian diplomat Giovanni Soranzo, focusing on such an institution of the Spanish monarchy as the «king of the household» (Casa Real). In the center of attention of the author of this article is the final report of the Venetian diplomat. In its report, Giovanni Soranzo stopped on the description of the components of the «household of the king» of Spain. Giovanni Soranzo allocated structure «Household of the King» Spain. According to his observations, a special role among the «king’s household» officials played grandees, who served as mayor of the palace and especially the main post Sumiller de corps. Most often, these grandees were the trustees of the King. Venetian ambassador notes that a similar «household» existed and the queen, and the Infant. Positions the main mayor of the palace of the Queen and the Infante «households» also took grants, trusted king. By Venetian ambassador were given money costs of the institution of the Spanish crown. According to observations of the representative of Venice at the court of King Philip II Giovanni Soranzo many traditions that existed at that court, to imitate the customs of the court of the Dukes of Burgundy and Charles V was laid.

Casa Real, The XVI century, Giovanni Soranzo Spain, Philip II.


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