2016-№3(52) Article 7

I.M. Erlikhson, S.A. Vassilyeva

To the issue of public attitudes to crime (on the material of the English press of the first third of the 18th century). P. 48-58


UDC 821.111-311.4.09 “17”

The paper focuses on the intellectual aspect of English prison reform of the late 18th — early 19th centuries. The authors analyze an English philosopher Bernard Mandeville’s pamphlet “An Enquiry into the Causes of the Frequent Executions at Tyburn”, in which the philosopher attempted to analyze social factors facilitating crimes and identified practical measures of fighting against criminal behaviors. B. Mandeville

underlined the necessity of altering the conditions of confinement in prisons and jails. His ideas were several decades ahead of his time. He maintained that it was necessary to substitute the death penalty with alternative sanctions, that it was essential to implement prisoner classification system, that it was important to provide religious services to inmates. At the same time, the philosopher realized that these innovations could only be introduced if public opinion changed. He maintained that public attitudes were a key facilitator to developing the criminal justice system and to regulating crime.

B. Mandeville, England, 18th century, prison reform, press, death penalty.


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