2016-№3(52) Article 8

O.S. Akchurina, S.V. Demidov

The discussion of the covenant of the League of nations in the United Kingdom in 1919. P. 58- 65.


UDC 942.084.0“1919”

The paper analyzes the political discussions of the Covenant of the League of Nations and the political confrontation that followed its adoption at a plenary session of Paris Peace Conference on Feb-ruary 14, 1919. The heated discussion revealed the disagreements between the representatives of the Labor Party and

the Conservative Party. The representative of the Labor Party condemned the covenant as a document that promoted the superiority of great powers. They indicated the necessity of disarma-ment, maintained that it was wrong to exclude the defeated countries, and opposed the annexation of the colonial territories by the victors. The representatives of the Conservative Party worried that the posi-tions of the British Empire could be undermined. The paper maintains that despite the popularity of the idea of a new international organization, the British politicians failed to elaborate a comprehensive sys-tem of its political and organizational principles. British politicians could not ignore the criticism of Aus-tralian and Canadian political leaders, who pursued their own interests when it concerned the issues of disarmament, prevention of aggression, and German colonies.

Great Britain, the League of Nations, Lloyd George, R. Cecil, R. Borden, W. Hughes


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