2016 №4 (53) Article 14

N.V. Deeva

Metaphoric representation of the concepts “Death” and “Śmierć” in Russian and Polish linguistic cultures. P. 120-126.

UDC (811.161.1+811.162.1)’373


The concept “death” is a key concept in both Russian and Polish cultures. The concepts “cмерть” and “śmierć” are represented by metaphorical structures in the Russian and Polish languages. Both languages have a great number of metaphors (anthropomorphic, zoomorphic, ornithological, etc.) representing the concept of “death”, which shows that people have been interested in the concept since the dawn of time and people’s attempts to conceptualize death have never ceased. Conceptualization through metaphor does not only let one visualize death but also allows one to express one’s evaluation of the concept.

concept, conceptual metaphor, linguoculturology, naive picture of the world.


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