2016 №4 (53) Article 16

N.M. Yussupova

Folk symbols as a source of symbolism in Tatar culture(at the example of ornitomorphic and color symbols). P.138-145.

UDC 398(47=943.21)


The paper analyzes ornitomorphic and color symbols in Tatar folklore to elicit those features and forms of symbolism that are typical of Tatar culture. The paper maintains that Tatar symbolism is deeply rooted in national folklore, with ornitomorphic and color symbols being highly important in reference to their functions, roles and artistic merit. The research is topical, for it employs a novel approach to investigate symbolic representations in folk texts, with special emphasis laid on the systemic function of symbols. The research shows that ornitomorphic and color symbolism reflects the peculiarities of Tatar philosophy and Tatar worldviews. Symbolic representations often function as ethnic and national symbolic codes. The paper concludes that every nation, having its own literary and artistic traditions, relies on specific symbolic representations that are deeply rooted in national folklore and play a crucial role in the formation of national symbolic traditions.

symbol, symbolism, rhetoric, Tatar poetry, folklore.


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