2016 №1(50) Article 5

N.P. Ledovskikh

The Komsomol Organizations of Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute in the Socio-Cultural Context. P.40-50.

UDC 94(470.313):378


The article traces the history of the Komsomol organization of Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute from its formation to its dissolution. The article relies on archive materials to analyze the period since 1947 till 1987, on scanty printed materials to analyze the years before 1947, and on reminiscences of living witnesses to analyze the tragic period since 1987 till 1991. The article singles out milestones in the evolution of the Institute and the Komsomol organization. The Komsomol organization was structured in such a way so as to ensure effective work with novice teachers. The Komsomol organization evolved and covered all aspects of student life. On one hand, the Komsomol organization attempted to control all spheres of student life, but on the other hand it gave every student a chance to develop their talents, and meet their needs as long as they didn’t contradict the state ideology. The Komsomol organization moulded novice teachers’ collectivist attitude to the world, it helped young people feel that they were needed, it helped novice teachers to develop various practical skills, which promoted their postgraduate professional development. The article provides a complete list of secretaries of the Komsomol organization since 1947 and analyzes the mood of Soviet students.

history of the Komsomol organization, the committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League, aims and objectives of higher education, work of Komsomol organization, student protests.


1.Gosudarstvennyy arkhiv Ryazanskoy oblasti [The State Archives of Ryazan region]. — F.P. 6767, 2624.

2.Ryazanskiy gosudarstvennyy pedagogicheskiy institut [Ryazan State Pedagogical Institute] [Text]. — Moscow : Mosk. rabochiy. Ryazanskoe otdelenie, 1983. — 144 p.

3.Khronograf [Chronograph] [Electronic resource] / RSU named for S.A. Yesenin. —Mode of access : http://www.rsu.edu.ru/anniversary/chronograph (date of access: 28.08. 2015).

4.Yunost’ zemli Ryazanskoy : ocherki istorii Ryazanskoy organizatsii VLKSM [Youth of Ryazan land: essays on the history of the Ryazan organization Komsomol] [Text]. — Moscow : Mosk. Rabochiy. Ryazanskoe otdelenienie, 1984. — 463 p.
