2016 №4 (53) Article 5

K.V. Timchenko

Finnish delegations of 1788 and 1808 in the context of Finno-Russian relations in unknown literary works of the 19th century. P. 36-43.

UDC 327(480)“1788+1808”


The article attempts to perform comparative analysis of the Finnish delegations sent to the Russian Empire at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries. The delegations were initiated by George Magnus Sprengrporten, who aimed at promoting the independence of Finland and at the same time keeping Finland under Russian protection. G.Sprengrporten managed to eventually persuade Friedrich Wilhelm Count von Buxhoeveden, who commanded Russian armies in Finland, and Alexander I to send Finnish delegates to Saint Petersburg. Jägerhorn’s delegation (autumn and winter of 1808) was more successful than the delegation of 1788. The Russian emperor granted Finland its laws and privileges stipulated by the Union and Security Act of 1789, the emperor also promised to summon the Diet of Porvoo (the legislative assembly summoned to make decisions on major issues of domestic policy).

George Magnus Sprengrporten, the Diet of Porvoo, memorandum, Friedrich Wilhelm Count von Buxhoeveden.


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