2017 №1(54) Article 19
N.P. Titova
The image of a musician and musical ekphrasis in P. Quignardʼs novel “All the worldʼs mornings”. Р.163- 171.
UDC 821.133.1-31.09“19”
The paper analyzes the characteristics, peculiarities, and patterns of musical ekphrasis used in a literary work to create an image of a musician. To illustrate her ideas, the author uses the novel “All the Worldʼs Mornings” written by Pascal Quignardʼs, a French writer of the 20th century. The author revises the existing theory to characterize musical ekphrasis in art and in literature. The author uses Pascal Quignardʼs novel to show the role of the device in the description of everyday life, nature, and charactersʼ feelings, in the development of the subject-matter. The author highlights that musical ekphrasis helps a writer to show the role of music in a characterʼs life and hence should be thoroughly analyzed.
The article analyzes the description of the main characters, their personal and professional development. The author performs a close reading of the novel and analyzes the writerʼs style as a means of depicting charactersʼ life to enable the reader to understand Pascal Quignardʼs novel “All the Worldʼs Mornings” and to understand the role of musical ekphrasis as a rhetorical device
Art, music, musical ekphrasis, musician image, French literature.
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