2017-№2 (55) Article 1
O.D. Sandomirskaya, E.G. Domnina
The opening of Japan to the West as covered by “The New York Times” and “The Times” (1854–1858) P. 7-15.
UDC 952.03:002.5(09)(73)«1854/1858»
The paper utilizes content analysis of articles published by “The New York Times” and “The Times” in 1854–1858 and dedicated to the opening of Japan to the West and the Russian Empire and the initial stage of English-Japanese and American-Japanese relationships. The paper maintains that British and American foreign policy in the Middle East was not a priority issue for the two broadsheets.
The information about the developments in Japan was mostly of personal origin, professional journalists did not cover the issue. The American and British diplomatic missions to Japan were idealized, while the Japanese were depicted as a barbaric nation which was doomed unless enlightened by the West. All this promoted the colonial consciousness in British and American readers.
Ansei Treaties, Great Britain, print mass media, diplomacy, colonialism, Russia, USA, Japan.
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