2017-№2 (55) Article 10
E.V. Ogoltseva
The images of large and small quantities in stable expressions of comparison in the Russian language P. 91-99.
UDC 811.161.1ˈ366.552
The paper analyzes stable expressions of comparison containing a quantitative semantic component and used for referring to large and small amounts of something. The author centers her attention on the role a quantitative semantic component plays in the semantic structure of stable expressions of comparison. The author also focuses on the system of images used in these stable expressions. The analysis of dictionary definitions and the analysis of the Russian National Corpus show that quantitative characteristics are reflected both by nuclear and peripheral semantic components and are realized through the images of people, animals, objects of reality, natural phenomena, places. Stable expressions of comparison usually contain evaluative semantic components.
ideographic classification, quantitative semantics, comparative language union, imagery characteristic, image, semantic field, semantic structure, stable expression.
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