2017-№2 (55) Article 2

A.F. Agarev

The mystery of Yak-28P (“Firebar”) P. 15-23.

UDC 358.423(47)

The article sheds light on the events that took place 50 years ago on the territory of Germany. On 6 April 1966 a Soviet fighter aircraft Yak-28P (Firebar) crashed in the British controlled sector of West Berlin. The crewmembers Boris Kapustin and Yuri Yanov, pilots of the 668th Assault Aviation Regiment of the 24th Air Army, which was located on the territory of the then GDR, died. The author maintains that the circumstances under which the air catastrophe took place remain mysterious. Military officials still abstain from speaking about it. The author focuses on the conclusions drawn by the state committee on the investigation of the crash. The author maintains that, neither the military, nor the constructors, nor the manufacturers of the aircraft wanted to take the responsibility. The author highlights that Boris Kapustin and Yuri Yanov performed a heroic act on 6 April 1966 when they valiantly gave their lives to save the lives of thousands of civilians by managing to avoid a housing estate and crashing into Lake Stößensee without ejecting.

air catastrophe, combat aircraft, Air Army, pilots, mystery.



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