2017-№2 (55) Article 4

V.N. Samokhodkin

A political party publicist and a non-Party publishing house: G.E. Zinovievʼs collaboration with “Parus” publishing house in 1915–1917 P. 31-38.

UDC 329(092):655.52(47)«1915/1917»

Postwar crisis hindered effective collaboration between Russian party publishing houses and political party publicists who had immigrated to other countries. Decreasing circulations of party newspapers and journals forced political party publicists to seek other sources of income. Many political party publicists were obliged to collaborate with non-party publishing houses. The author of the article analyzes archival materials to investigate the collaboration between G.E. Zinoviev, a key figure in the Russian Social Democratic Labor Party (RSDLP), and Parus, a non-party publishing house, during G.E. Zinovievʼs immigration to Switzerland in 1915–1917. This aspect is almost unexplored. The main source of information is the unpublished correspondence of G.E. Zinoviev (Bern) and a Russian Marxist historian M.N. Pokrovsky (Paris). The letters are kept in the State Archive of the Russian Federation. The analysis of the letters reveals the difficulties experienced by the Russian political party publicists in Europe, such as opening and inspection of Russian immigrantsʼ correspondence by the Triple Entente members, Russian censorship, disputes within the social-democratic party.

Bolsheviks, Zinoviev, Gorky, Lenin, World War I, Pokrovsky, Russian Social Democratic Labor Party.




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