2017-№2 (55) Article 7

O.A. Nikonov

USSR – Yemen: establishing trade and diplomatic relations P. 57- 70.

UDC 327(47:533)

The paper analyzes the prerequisite for the development of bilateral trade and diplomatic relationships between the USSR and Yemen in the 1920–1930s. Yemenʼs social and economic crisis triggered off by the collapse of the Ottoman Empire coincided with Western policy aimed at the exploitation of natural resources and military assets of the Arabian principalities. In such conditions Yemenʼs government was interested in finding a third party able to offer technical assistance and financial support to protect Yemenʼs national sovereignty. The USSR interested in developing relationships with Eastern powers offered Yemen diplomatic and financial support. On the one hand, the mutually supportive relationships allowed Yemen to overcome the financial and trade blockade and to expand commercial relationships with certain countries, on the other hand, they allowed Yemen to become a political player in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea region.

Middle East export and import, external trade, Ahmad bin Yahya, Read Sea, International relationships, 1928 Soviet – Yemen treaty.





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