2017-№3 (56) Article 17

A.G. Golodov

Information war strategy in dynamics and its verbal methods (on the basis of German mass periodic). P. 130- 137.

UDC 811.112(05)

The article analyzes the development of information war which has its own strategy as well as its own dynamics. The dynamics of information war exposes the direction of attacks, the appearance of new themes and the reduction of chief themes into secondary ones. But the strategy and principle meth-ods remain the same: that is totally unproved information blames – defamation of non-officious and inconvenient for the West political figures comparing them with the most odious politicians in the history of mankind – the kind of demonization.  The name of “Hitler” acts as the universal negative marker, the label that may be attached to any event or to a not convenient politician for the benefit of political ex-pediency.

Information war, German mass media, strategy, popular methods, information blames, anthro-ponomical demonization.




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