2017-№3 (56) Article 18
P.D. Doronina
Adolescent Use of Language in Social Networks. P. 137- 146.
UDC 811.161.1ʼ276.3-053.6:681.142.1
The paper focuses on lexical and stylistic peculiarities of teenagersʼ use of language as a means of communication. The paper analyzes slang words and phrases used by adolescents in social networks. The author analyzes the material that has been collected in popular social networks. She relies on such reference works as the “Dictionary of the Internet” by M.A. Krongaus, the “Dictionary of Modern Teen Slang” by M.A. Grachev, “In Favor of Marxist Linguistics” by E.D. Polivanov, etc. Special emphasis is laid on the origin and development of some popular slang words and phrases. The author maintains that teen slang is very expressive. The author underlines that teen Internet discourse is creolized, it contains a lot of memes, smiles, symbols, etc. The article analyzes adolescent use of language in social networks through the prism of stylistics. The article traces new tendencies of modern Russian slang research.
Internet communication, teen slang, ununified vocabulary, colloquial speech, slang.
Vkontakte [Electronic resourсe] : [sotsialʼnaya setʼ]. – Mode of access : https://vk.com
- Facebook [Electronic resourсe] : [sotsialʼnaya setʼ]. – Mode of access : https://ru-ru.facebook.com
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