2017 №1(54) Article 5

V.A. Savintsev

The old believer community in the village of Isady. P. 37- 44.

UDC 281.93-3(Р473.8)


The paper focuses on the history of the Old Believer community of the village of Isady from the 17th century till the mid 20th century. The research investigates the chronological development of the Old Belief. The paper performs a statistical analysis of the number of Old Belief adherents in the village of Isady in the 19th and 20th centuries and compares the data against the number of Old Ritualists in the Ryazan province. The paper treats the biography of an Old Believer bishop Paul (Turkin). The bishopʼs biography has never been thoroughly processed or chronologically analyzed. Relying on the principles of historicisms, consistency, and objectivity, the paper employs the method of dialectic analysis and the analysis of social phenomena. The obtained results help to analyze the history of the Old Believers in the village of Isady and the history of the Old Belief in Russia in the 19th – 20th centuries.

Old Belief, bishop Paul (Turkin), the village of Isady of the Ryazan Region, Neocruzhniki.


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