2017-№2 (55) Article 11

N.A. Krasovskaya

Linguistic peculiarities manifested by the contemporary peripheral Tula dialects. P. 99-107.

UDC 811.161.1´282.2(471.312)

The article centers on phonetic and grammatical peculiarities manifested by the peripheral Tula dialects (Tula is a region of the Russian Federation). An expedition organized to southern, eastern, western, and south-western territories of the Tula region shows that the contemporary Tula dialects are characterized by a number of features typical of the Southern Russian dialects. Like all other Southern Russian dialects, the Tula dialects are characterized by the fricative [γ], the palatalized final [ti] in 3rd person form of verbs, oblique case forms of personal pronouns. Some features of the Tula dialects are no longer widely spread and are on the verge of extinction. The author maintains that contemporary dialects of southern-eastern and southern-western territories of the Tula region have a number of distinctive features. Thus, eastern and southern-eastern dialects are acquiring features similar to those of the Ryazan dialects, while westerns and southern-western dialects are acquiring features similar to those of the Kursk dialects and the Orel dialects. The author maintains that the Tula dialects are a transition stage between the Ryazan dialects and the Kursk and Orel dialects. The classification of the Tula dialects is a novel theoretical and practical task.

grammatical peculiarities, dialects, border areas, Tula dialects, phonetic peculiarities.




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