2017-№2 (55) Article 15
Yu.E. Arkhipova
The representation of Englishness in Jane Austinʼs unfinished novels P.144- 150.
UDC 821.111-31.09
The paper analyzes the representations of Englishness in Jane Austinʼs unfinished novels “The Watsons” and “Sanditon”. The author focuses on the concepts of “home”, “sense”, and “humor” believing them to be the key concepts determining the spiritual and the material world of Austinʼs characters. The author maintains that the concept of “sense” is the leading concept in the novel “The Watsons”, while the concept “humor” dominates in the novel “Sanditon”. The author underlines that the unfinished novels depict versatile characters, which is typical of Jane Austinʼs manner of writing. Austin depicts daily life of provincial aristocrats in Georgian Britain. Her sketches are full of deep psychology and subtle humor. The research focuses on Jane Austinʼs individual and unique manner of writing, which can be traced both in her completed and unfinished works. The research helps to trace the interconnection between Austinʼs unfinished novels and the novels that brought this brilliantly talented writer international fame.
Comedy of manners, comedy of humors, Jane Austinʼs unfinished novels, novel of manners, Englishness, semantics of concepts, Sanditon, the Watsons.
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