2017-№2 (55) Article 16

A.S. Yevdokimova

Yesenin in Russian theatres at the turn of the 20th – 21st centuries criticsʼ assessments P. 150- 162.

UDC 821.161.1-1:792«19/20»

The article analyzes criticsʼ assessments and journalistsʼ reviews of theatrical performances based on S.A. Yeseninʼs works and staged by metropolitan and provincial theatrical companies in the late 20th – early 21st centuries. The article presents a chronological analysis of performances which received the most enthusiastic reviews of both critics and spectators. The author focuses on various problems associated with theatrical performances of S.A. Yeseninʼs works in the beginning of the 21st century. Firstly, numerous theatrical performances are timed to coincide with the poetʼs jubilees and do not remain long in the repertoire of metropolitan and provincial theaters. Secondly, modern theatrical criticism is very emotional and subjective; it gives an amateurish rather than a professional assessment. Interpreting S.A. Yeseninʼs works in unique, often provocative ways, stage directors forget about the poetʼs artistic and philosophical principles. However, it should be noted, that in spite of some misfortunate theatrical experiments, which have provoked controversial critical assessments, there are a lot of unique, high-quality performances based on S.A. Yeseninʼs poetry, prose, and drama.

 S.A. Yeseninʼs drama, historical-biographical performances, musical-poetic performances, review, stage impersonation, theater criticism.




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