2017-№2 (55) Article 13
N.V. Dolgova
Fantasy world as represented in Russian online media (based on the infotainment portal “Fantasy World”) P. 124- 137.
UDC 821.161.1-312.9
The article focuses on online media as a media integrating the features of the publicistic and the belles-letters style. The author maintains that contemporary fantasy fiction has meta-genre characteristics reflected in numerous online discourses and communicative events (specialized sites, literary portals, internet clubs, fan societies in social media). The research focuses on the infotainment portal “Fantasy World”, which is characterized by traditional means of presentation (topical news, visualization, cinematography as a prevailing topic, etc.) and interest in fantasy worlds, fantasy and science fiction, scientific worldview.
Fantasy, scientific fiction, mass media, internet, infotainment portal, literature of the 21st century, fan fiction, long reads.
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