2017-№3 (56) Article 2
V.A. Savintsev
The Initial Stage of a Church Split Scenario in the Ryazan Eparchy (the Late 17th – Early 18th Centuries) P. 17-23.
UDC 281.93-3(Р473.8)«18/19»
The article analyzes the initial period of Old Belief dissemination on the territory of the Ryazan Eparchy from Patriarch Nikonʼs reforms up to the middle of the 18th century. It underlines the im-portance of a systemic approach to the research of the initial period of Old Belief dissemination. The author deals with various contemporary and pre-revolutionary research works investigating the origins of Old Belief. He focuses on Ryazan archpriestsʼ attempts to prevent the split. The article underlines that Ryazan archpriests were closely connected with high ranking Old Believers. It speaks about Old Believ-ersʼ incarceration at Ryazan monastery prisons and analyzes Ryazan archpriestsʼ attitude to Old Believ-ers. The initial period of Old Belief dissemination on the territory of the Ryazan Eparchy, which has both unique and common features, is an underinvestigated period of Russian history and requires further re-search.
Old Belief, Church reform, Metropolitan Hilarion, Metropolitan Joseph, Archpriest Avvakum, Ryazan Eparchy.
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