2017-№3 (56) Article 7

S.A. Vassilyeva, I.M. Erlihson

New Cultural History (Methodological Prospects of Intellectual History and History of Social Practices  in Interdisciplinary Historical-Penal Research)/ P.49- 56.

UDC  930.2

The paper presents an overview of cultural and intellectual history and a survey of foreign re-search works focusing on criminal justice system in Modern England. The analysis of these researches, which are based on the methodological principles of cultural and intellectual history, shows that cultural and intellectual history has a great potential to be realized in Russian penal research, which has tradition-ally focused on legal norms and justice institutions. Russian correctional system has always employed

a political-legal approach, which imposes limitations on Russian penal history research. The authors maintain that by employing the methodological principles of new cultural history, scholars will be able to investigate various historical periods of the Russian penal system through the prism of social-intellectual, political-economic and socio-cultural research.

intellectual history, cultural history, ideas, mental history discourse, social practices, penology, penitentiary science.




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