2018 №2(59) Article 17

Levitskaya T.V.

The Russo-Japanese War as Depicted by a Russian Writer  (N.A. Lukhmanova’s Diary and Articles). 

UDC 821.161.1-6.09«19»

The paper analyzes N.A. Lukhmanova’s (1841–1907) diary and articles written during the period of the Russo-Japanese war. It provides information about the writer’s biography and her works. It analyzes a great number of archival materials, and focuses on the writer’s diary and her unpublished articles. The analyzed sources describe the Russo-Japanese war in a new and unique way, through the eyes of a woman. N.A. Lukhmanova centered on the role of women at war, the role of the Red Cross, the life of civilians in Manchuria and Japan. The writer describes the atmosphere of anxiety and alienation experienced by the Russian Army in Manchuria. The article focuses on N.A. Lukhmanova’s travel essays created by the writer during her travel through Japan and the article “The Japanese and their Culture”, in which the writer analyzed the roots of Japanese patriotism and treated the phenomenon of Japan’s victory in the war so tragic for Russia. N.A. Lukhmanova believes that Japanese patriotism is rooted in Japanese education and up-bringing. The Japanese mentality is reflected in literary works created during the Russo-Japanese war (tales and short stories).


N.A. Lukhmanova, women at war, patriotism, Russo-Japanese war, Japan, Japan school.



  1. Kolmogorov, A.N. Mne dostavsheesya. Khroniki N.A. Lukhmanovoi [Text]. – M. : AGRAF, 2013. – 460 s.
  2. Lichnyi arkhiv N.A. Lukhmanovoi [Text] / Rukopisnyi otdel Instituta russkoi literatury (Pushkinskii Dom) Rossiiskoi akademii nauk (RO IRLI). – F. 571. – D. 32. – 118 l.
  3. Lichnyi arkhiv N.A. Lukhmanovoi. Kitaiskie i yaponskie skazki, rasskazy o Yaponii i Kitae [Text] / RO IRLI. – F. 571. – D. 7. – 69 l.

