2018 №3 (60) Article 12

T.V. Vatlina, N.N. Voytenkova



The article investigates major trends of the green belt policy in urban areas. The first green belt in Russia was created in Smolensk on March 23, 2017. The green belt was expected to reduce the anthropogenic impact on urban population health and ecosystem. The protected area incorporates Krasnobrovsky forest tract, three lakes, and Gnezdosky Archeological Complex. The article characterizes the environmental situation in the city of Smolensk and singles out major trends of the green belt policy aimed at improving the urban environment. The article analyzes urban forest maladies of the protected area and singles out the most significant problems of the present environmental situation. The urban forest maladies afflicting the protected area and the perspectives of the green belt extension have been mapped. The authors have examined the potential of the protected area extension and have investigated the major aspects of environmental monitoring of the green belt around Smolensk.

green belt, forest tract, Smolensk, environmental security, environmental situation, population health, environmental framework.



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