2018 №3 (60) Article 16

I.V. Shchurova


 UDC 821.161.1-31.09«19»


The article analyzes personification and objectification as stylistic devices employed by Galina Shcherbakova in her novel “Women in a Game without Rules” and as means of creating the author’s individual style. The research shows that personification and objectification are characteristic of Shcherbakova’s style. These devices are often used by the author in relation to abstract phenomena. The article shows, for example, that personification and objectification often result in anthromorphism of abstract phenomena. Personifying similes, zoomorphism of abstract phenomena and personification of inanimate objects are less frequently employed. The stylistic devices are used by the author as means of operating with complex abstract phenomena, which enables visual and sensory perception of abstract ideas, and as tropes securing the aesthetic value of the text. Personification and objectification are often created through a metaphorical use of personal verbs and participles. Metaphorical epithets and similes are less frequently used. The dominant concepts, some of which are created by means of personification and objectification, enable the author to transmit the main themes of the novel, securing expressiveness. These devices enable the author to describe their characters’ emotional state and express her artistic worldview.

metaphor, personification, objectification, simile, stylistic device. The article analyzes personification and



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