2019 №1 (62) Content


Miсhiko Ikuta

Khabarovsk after the Soviet-Japanese War Viewed through the Eyes  of a Japanese Female Internee 


 Stepkin V. V. 

The Labyrinth Caves of Valuyski Uspensky Nikolaevsky Monastery    and Mikhailo-Athos Zakubansky Hermitage as a Reflection  of Spiritual Traditions of Hesychasm  


Zuev A. N. 

Creating a Legal Basis for Housing Construction and  Cooperative Housing Construction  during the Period of the New Economic Policy  


Kabirova A. Sh., Khanipova I. I. 

Labor Mobilization in the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic    in the 1930s–1940s  


Solodyankina O. Yu. 

Western Civilization Viewed through the Eyes of Chinese People:  a Textbook Review  


Panchenko A. A. 

The Khrushchev Thaw and its Effect on International Relations  of Universities in the 1950s  


Shevchenko A. A.

 The Role Armored Warfare Played   in the Battle of Moscow near Ryazan  during World War II  


Kozyakova N. S. 

Anti-communism as an Ideology of Austrofascism  in the 1950s–1970s  


Gornov V. A., Malakhov M. G. 

Russian Strongholds of the 19th Century in Central Asia    (Assessing the Results of a Research Expedition)



Tesalovsky A. A., Avdeev Yu. M. 

The History of Land Cadastre: Land Management  and Land Surveying in South Dakota (part 2)


Yamashkin A. A., Silayeva T. B., Yamashkin S. A., Zarubin O. A. 

The Geoinformation Model of the Valley of the Middle Reaches  of the Sura River for the Development of a System of Protected Areas  


Ruzhinskaya L. A. 

Assessment and Tendencies of Tourism Development  in the Ryazan Region 


 Krivtsov V. A., Vodorezov A. V. , Vorobyev A. Yu., Puzakov S. V. 

Unfavorable and Potentially Dangerous Exogenous Relief-forming Processes    at the Territory of the Ryazan Region  




Sheina I. M. 

Russian Borrowings in the Aleut Language as an Aspect  of Russian America Heritage  




A Life of Continual Research. Mikhail Tikhonovich Terekhin    (Celebrating the 85th Birth Anniversary)


Reshetova A. A.

А. I. Solzhenitsyn’s Heritage in the Cultural Environment of Modern Russia and the World (Commemorating the Writer’s 100th Anniversary)


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