2019 №2 (63) Article 9

S.A. Zotov


UDC 821.111-4.09«18»


The article focuses on ideas expressed by Thomas Carlyle and John Stuart Mill (two outstanding representatives of the Victorian period) on the issue of democratization of the British political system after the parliamentary reform of 1832. The authors’ ideas are viewed through the prism of their journalistic works, i.e. through the prism of Thomas Carlyle’s “Chartism” and John Stuart Mill’s “Considerations on Representative Government”. It should be noted that the writers’ works attracted considerable attention of their contemporaries. Thomas Carlyle advised against the development of representative government through suffrage expansion, while John Stuart Mill advocated representative government as a means of political modernization. Despite different political views, both thinkers had similar views in what concerned the future of Britain which had recently become a world leader. Both thinkers maintained that the most important task for British society was to improve literacy of all social layers. The thinkers maintained that to achieve this, British government should focus on primary education.


Great Britain; Victorian era; Thomas Carlyle; John Stuart Mill; democratization; education level



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