2019 №3 (64) Article 1

P.V. Akulshin


UDC 006.3:940.46

The article summarizes the results of an international research conference held at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin on May 24–25, 2018. The conference, which was called “A Century Ago: the End of World War I in the Old World”, welcomed researchers from Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Serbia, and Russia.

The article assesses the historiographical significance of the results of World War I in the context of scientific, social, and political problems of the modern world. The concept of the international research conference proposed by the Center for Historic-Humanitarian and Social-Economic Research at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin presupposed no division into Russia-related and world-related issues. This approach enabled researchers to focus on major issues of modern historiography such as the fate of European empires; the appearance of new sovereign states; economic, social, and humanitarian consequences of the war; leading ideologies; revolutions and civil wars in post-war Europe. The article analyzes the topics and content of presented reports and summarizes the results of discussions.

World War I; historic research; research conference; international research


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