2020 №1 (66) Article 13

Kolgushkina N. V.

Nikolay Ivanovich Zorin: to the Issue of Writing a Scholarly Biography  of a Philologist and an Educator  (Commemorating the 140th Birth Anniversary) P.101-110.

UDC (80+37)(092)

The article analyzes archival records stored in the archive of Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin to investigate the life and academic and educational activities of N. I. Zorin, an Associate Professor in the Department of the Russian Language at Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin. Born into a priest’s family, N. I. Zorin simultaneously graduated from St. Petersburg Theological Academy and St. Petersburg Archeological Institute. He then taught in seminaries, pedagogical colleges, and institutes in the Orenburg Region (the then Chkalov Region) and in Belarus. He was falsely accused and suffered political repression. Having been granted amnesty he devoted his life to teaching the Russian language and researching Russian dialects. He spent the last four years of his life teaching at Ryazan Pedagogical Institute. During the 94 years of his life he displayed courage, industry, and devotion to philology.


Russian education; philology; ethnography; dialectology; archival science



  1. Zimin A. A. Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin: Dialogue with Time. Rjazanskij gosudarstvennyj universitet imeni S. A. Esenina: istorija stanovlenija i razvitija (k 100-letiju obrazovanija vuza) [Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin: History of Development (Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the University)]. Ryazan, Russian Word Publ., 2015, pp. 3. (In Russian).
  2. Lytkin V. I. Literaturnaja jenciklopedija Lunacharskij A. V., Gel’fand M. S. (eds.). [Literary Encyclopedia]. Moscow, Association of State Book-Magazine Publishing Houses Publ., Soviet Encyclopedia Publ., 1932, vol. 6, pp. 643–644. (In Russian).
  3. Zorin Nikolaj Ivanovich [Zorin Nikolay Ivanovich]. Available at : http://local.polotsk.museum.by/node/16705 (accessed: 20.06.2019). (In Russian).


