2020 №1 (66) Article 6
Ulyanova E. S.
Diocesan Archpriests’ Annual Reports as a Source of Information about the Vologda Diocese History of the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries P.49-57.
UDC 281.93(470.12)«18/19»
The article investigates annual reports prepared by diocesan archpriests to inform the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church about diocesan life as an important source of information about history of the Russian Orthodox Church governed by the Holy Synod. The aim of the article is to structurally analyze annual reports prepared by Vologda archpriests in the late 19th century. The author of the article attempts to assess the informative potential of various sections of these reports. The author concludes that diocesan archpriests’ annual reports are a rather fruitful source. They contain information about eparchial practices of the Russian Orthodox Church. The article investigates peculiar features of this information source and assesses the role of archpriest’s influence on the content of reports.
Vologda Diocese; historical source; reports; information assessment
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