2020 №1 (66) Article 8
Korniyenko Yu. V.
Socialist Revolutionaries in Russian Provinces during the Inter-revolutionary period P. 67-73.
UDC 947.083.7
The article investigates the activities of socialist revolutionaries during the inter-revolutionary decade in Central Russian provinces. The article outlines the fundamental characteristics of the SRs’ revolutionary ideology following the Coup of June 1907. The defeat of the first Russian revolution resulted in a moral crisis among revolutionaries. The inter-revolutionary period was characterized by complicated interactions between central and regional organizations of the SR party, which resulted in isolation of regional affiliates. The hardships and the defeat experienced by socialist revolutionaries in provinces are accounted for by the success of counter-revolutionary political investigation. The article analyzes the SRs’ propaganda activity among dwellers of the province. The SR Maximalists favored terror and expropriation. The article maintains that the SRs searched for new strategies and contributed to social and political change in the region before World War I. The article underlines the growth of protests in the face of this national crisis. The article assesses general and particular features of socialist revolutionaries’ activities in the center and in provinces. It also assesses strategies employed by revolutionary movements in general.
first Russian revolution; Coup of June 1907; Socialist Revolutionary Party; SR Maximalists; Ryazan Province; World War I
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