2020 №2 (67) Article 5

Karimov O. V., Pumpyanskaya O. V.

Fates of Ryazan Citizens Participating in the Spanish Civil War P.46-58.

UDC [929(470.313)-057.36]:94(460)«1936/1939»

DOI 10.37724/RSU.2020.67.2.005

Recent years have seen many important dates closely associated with Russian military history, such as military and economic assistance to Spanish republicans during the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) and the Great Patriotic War (1941–1945).

The aim of the article is to investigate the fates of Ryazan citizens (we take into consideration the territory of the Ryazan province as it was before the Great October Revolution) who took part in both wars. With the help of Soviet militaries and civilians, who spent 2.5 years in Spain, Spanish republicans managed to acquire aviation, field and anti-aircraft artillery, tank divisions, maintenance teams.

46 Ryazan-born citizens worked in Spain as military advisors, antiaircraft gunners, tankmen, pilots, seamen, employees of defense enterprises, translators and interpreters, doctors. Almost all of them were awarded orders and medals for gallantry and bravery in battle against fascism during the Spanish Civil War and later during the Great Patriotic War. The volunteers had different fates. Some of them never returned from the war, they contributed differently to the victory over fascism, yet every one of them defended their motherland and the world against the fascist threat.

The present research can be used for patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation. It can help teach people to respect their motherland and its defenders and to feel proud of their home region of Ryazan.


Great Patriotic War; Soviet military advisers in Spain; Spanish Civil War; Republicans; Ryazan Province; Soviet volunteers





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