2012-№3(36) Article 12

I.V. Pakhomova

R.M. Rilke’s novel «the papers of Malte Laurids Brigge» in the context of Russian literature. p. 138–143

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UDC 94(410)


The article focuses on the novel «The Papers of Malte Laurids Brigge» by Rainer Maria Rilke, an Austrian poet. The novel is treated in the context of Russian literature. Rilke’s understanding of femininity and his attitude to the personality of L. Tolstoy are reflected in the novel. A loving woman is capable of self–sacrifice and self–denial. R.M. Rilke believed that paragons of perfect love could be found both among mythological and real women, who could not hope for the implementation of their love, but whose feelings elevated them to God’s heights. Such love, according to Rilke, promotes spiritual development. Femininity is a favorite topic of many Russian writers and poets, such as A. Block, A. Bely, V. Solovyev.


God, «The Papers of Malte Laurdis Brigge», true lovers, femininity, love, solitude, Rainer Maria Rilke, Russian literature, Leo Tolstoy, self–denial, art.



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