2012-№4(37) Article 5
A.S. Kuznetsov
Russian periodicals on the role of law enforcement agencies in the development of state of Bulgaria.p. 46–54
UDC 94(497.2)”1881/1894″:070(470)
The article is devoted to the position of Russia’s periodicals on the participation of military and law forces in the political life of Bulgaria 1880 – 1890–s. The key points of the Bulgarian state were chosen for exposure of the theme. The analysis of the constitutional crisis in 1881, of the Russian–Bulgarian Military Convention in 1883 and of the events associated with the resignation of Prime Minister S. Stambolov revealed the attention of press to power structures in Bulgaria only in terms of Russia’s foreign policy positions in the region.
bulgarian military forces, public opinion in Russia, russian officers, russian–bulgarian convention 1883, Balkan crisis 1885 – 1887, S. Stambolov’s resignation.
1. Vestnik Evropy – Herald of Europe, Saint Petersburg, 1883–1885.
2. Golos – The Voice, Saint Petersburg, 1881.
3. Kosik, V.I. ed. Vremya razryva. Politika Rossii v bolgarskom voprose [Time of rupture. Russian policy in the Bulgarian question]. In–t slavyanovedeniya i balkanistiki RAN (the Institute of Slavic Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences). Moscow, 1993. 98 p.
4. Moskovskie vedomosti – Moscow Gazette. Moscow, 1881–1894.
5. Novoe vremya – New Time. Saint Petersburg, 1881–1894.
6. Rediger, A.F. Istoriya moey zhizni. Vospominaniya voennogo ministra [Story of my life. Memories of the War Minister]. Moscow, Kanon–press Publ., 1999. Vol.1. 576 p.
7. Russkaya mysl’ – Russian thought Moscow, 1885.
8. Russkie vedomosti – Russian Gazette Moscow, 1881–1894.
9. Russkiy vestnik – Russian Herald. Moscow, 1885.
10. Russkiy kur’er – Russian Courier. Moscow, 1881–1886.
11. Rus’ – Rus’ Moscow, 1881–1885.
12. Sankt–Peterburgskie vedomosti – Saint Petersburg Gazette. Saint Petersburg, 1881–1894.