2013-№2(39) Article 8
D.A. Rogozhkin
The economic situation of workers of Ryazan province in the early 1920s.. р. 70-78
The paper treats the measures undertaken by the government of Ryazan Province to ensure the restoration of industry as a necessary prerequisite for socialist society. The paper deals with the role trade unions played in improving the standards of workers’ accommodation. The paper maintains that in the early 1920s by enabling workers’ professional development and improving their economic conditions the government of Ryazan Province ensured the increase of their working capacity.
New Economic Policy, industry, Council of People’s Commissars, workers, trade unions, House Improvement Committee.
1. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region) FR-189. Op.1. D.421
2. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region) FR-189. Op.1. D.856.
3. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region) FR-189. Op.1. D.857.
4. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region) FR-194. Op.1. D.111.
5. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region) FR-194. Op.1. D.60.
6. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region) FR-298. Op.1. D.4368.
7. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region)FR-298. Op.1. D.4370.
8. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region) FR-4. Op.1. D.222.
9. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region)FR-4. Op.1. D.222.
10. GARO..( State Archive of Ryazan Region)FR-4. Op.1. D.775.
11. Lenin V.I. Speech on I All-Russian congress of Council of National Economy // Polnoe sobranie sochinenijj.[ Complete Works] Vol.36.
12. Statisticheskijj spravochnik po Rjazanskojj gubernii. [Statistical Handbook on Ryazan province ]Rjazan’. 1923.