2013-№3(40) Article 2

Yu.A. Klimushina

« A vector of human fate…» teaching moral and spiritual aspects of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s life and work at school. p. 17-22.

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UDC 37.034

The paper focuses on spiritual and moral aspects of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s life and work. The author maintains that A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s biography as well as his literary works should be studied by high school students in the course of Literary Studies and in the course of the Fundamentals of Orthodox Culture. The author maintains that A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s biography, though in many aspects similar to those of his contemporaries, is a unique phenomenon. The author analyzes A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s works of different genres: stories («The Easter Procession», «Matryona’s House»), plays («The Light Which is in Thee»), lyric miniatures («Prayer» (1963)). The author analyzes the works through the prism of eternal issues. For instance, «The Easter Procession» deals with moral choices, «Matryona’s House» dwells on true piety, «The Light Which is in Thee» focuses on the meaning of life. As for Solzhenitsyn’s «Prayer», it is analyzed as a spiritual autobiography.


spiritual meaning of work, orthodox culture, faith, piety, traditions, spiritual autobiography, Solzhenitsyn A.I., “The Easter Procession”, “Matryona’s House”, “The Light Which is in Thee”



1. Lopuhina-Rodzjanko T.A. Duhovnye osnovy tvorchestva A.I. Solzhenicyna [ The spiritual foundations of A.I. Solzhenitsyn creativity ]. Frankfurt am Main, Posev Publ., 1974, 180 p.

2. Reshetovskaja N.A. V spore so vremenem [ In a dispute with the time]. Moscow, Publishing House of the Agency “Novosti”, 1975, 207 p.

3. Saraskina L.I. AleksandrSolzhenitsyn[ Alexander Solzhenitsyn]. 2 edition, Moscow, Molodaja gvardija-Young Guard, 2009, 935 p.

4. Safronov A.V. Komicheskoe v knige o narodnoj tragedii (parodijnaja glava v «Arhipelage GULAG» A. Solzhenicina) [ Comical in the book about People’s Tragedy (a parody chapter in the “Gulag Archipelago” by A. Solzhenitsyn)]. Vestnik Rjazanskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta imeni S. A. Esenina-Bulletin of the Ryazan State University named after SA Esenin, 2012, no. 1/34, 126 p.

5. Solzhenicyn A.I. Rasskazy i krohotki [ Stories and Miniatures], collected works of 30 volumes. Moscow, VREMJa – The Time, 2006, v. 1, 164 p.

6. Solzhenicyn A.I. P’esy i kinoscenarii [ Plays and screenplays]. Paris, YMCA-PRESS, 1981, 590 p.
