2013-№3(40) Article 4
S.Ye. Azintsev
Russian society and Solzhenitsyn: a personal interpretation. р. 29-52.
UDC 304.9
Russian Society contemporary with Alexander Solzhenitsyn is viewed as a complex dissipative system, unstable though living according to rigid rules imposed by the authoritarian regime. Unstable dissipative systems are exposed to turbulence and bifurcation. Russian society suffering from lack of freedom, absence of rights, and repressions, was severely shaken by Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s revelations in 1962. Russian society has changed through Solzhenitsyn’s literary work but it has also become less sensitive to literary influence. In the 1990s Solzhenitsyn was no longer able to initiate changes, partially because of changes in Russia’s social development.
history, dissipative system, consciousness, creativity, conformism, bifurcation, authoritarianism, freedom, rights, repression, «One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich», «The Gulag Archipelago», the 1990s and 2000s.
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5. Solzhenicyn A.I. V kruge pervom [The First Circle ], collected works, Paris, YMCA-Press, 1978, V. 1, 418 p., V. 2, 404 p.
6. Solzhenicyn A.I. Arhipelag GULAG, 1918–1956 [The Gulag Archipelago, 1918-1956], collected works of 9 volumes. Moscow, Terra Publ., 1999-2001, V. 4, 607 p., V. 5, 655 p., V. 6, 594 p.
7. Solzhenicyn A.I. Odin den’ Ivana Denisovicha [One day of Ivan Denisovich ]. Novyj mir (New World) Publ., 1962, no. 11, pp. 8-74.
8. Solzhenicyn A.I. Publicistika [Political and social essays]. Available at: www.solzhenitsyn.ru/proizyedniya/publizistika/