2013-№3(40) Article 15

A.A. Zlobin

The semantic potential of a keyword in A..I. Solzhenitsyn’s literary works. p. 155-169.

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UDC 811.161.1


The article centers on the semantic potential of the Russian word ‘svoboda’ (freedom) used by A.I. Solzhenitsyn as a key word. The author compares the semantic interpretations of the word given by various Russian-Russian explanatory dictionaries. The article investigates the hierarchy of the meanings of the word and analyzes their usage in A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s works. The author analyzes the realization of the semes of the key word in its derivatives, such as ‘osvobodit’ (to free, to liberate), ‘osvoboditsya’ (to gain freedom), ‘osvobozhdenie’ (liberation).


Solzhenitsyn A.I., semantic potential, dictionary definitions, syntactic patterns, derivatives.



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