2013-№4(41) Article 3

A.S. Sokolov

Coverage of new economic policy problems in textbooks on the history of Russia for high school. p. 23-29.

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UDC 947

The article analyzes the way Russian history textbooks for senior schoolchildren treat the issues of contemporary economic policy. The article analyzes various approaches to the causes of the New Economic Policy, the tasks and aims of NEP economic reforms. The article analyzes the interactions between market economy and regulatory economics. It analyzes the correlation between economic reforms and communist one-party system of the Soviet Union. It shows the controversial character of the Bolsheviks’ external politics and their controversial attitude to religion in the 1920s. The article focuses on the relations between the Russian Orthodox Church and the Bolsheviks. It analyzes the reasons for curtailing the NEP.

famine, peasantry, New Economic Policy, national politics, intra-party struggles, the USSR, political opposition, economic reforms.


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