2013-№4(41) Article 4
E.N. Polischuk
The women’s movement in Russia: need of time or anarchy? p. 29-48.
UDC 396.1
The article focuses on the development of feminist movement in Russia and analyzes similar processes in European countries. The article centers on the evolution of views on women’s family and social roles. The article maintains that Russian women, unlike European women, had greater rights and freedoms. The article provides quotations from Ruskaya Pravda (the legal code of Kievan Rus) and Domostroy (a 16th-century Russian set of household rules and instructions pertaining to various religious, social, domestic, and family matters) which show that Russian women had property rights and were treated with due respect. The article analyzes the influence of the French Revolution on Russian feminist movement. It also focuses on the role Catherine II (Catherine the Great) and Maria Feodorovna (born Sophie Dorothea of Württemberg) played in the development of female education in Russia. It also treats the formation of the first female charitable society and the results of its work.
feminist movement, gender equality, feminism, legal status, Europe, Russia
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