2013-№4(41) Article 6
E.N. Kostyileva
The activities of the state mortgage banks 1882-1895 years(according to the materials of the Ryazan province). p.57-69.
UDC 908
The paper deals with the formation and work of Ryazan offices of state mortgage companies in the 1880s–1890s. The paper maintains that the Peasants’ Land Bank (Bank of the Peasantry) gave cheap loans to the Russian peasantry for the purchase of land. The Nobles’ Land Bank (Bank of the Nobility) made loans to Russian landed nobility on the mortgages of their estates at favorable rates of interest. The author states that in spite of the most advantageous conditions of issuing loans, the Nobles’ Land Bank may have retarded, but did not prevent, the passage of land from landowners to peasants.
Bank of the Nobility (the Nobles’ Land Bank), mortgage banking, Bank of the Peasantry (the Peasants’ Land Bank), Ryazan province, landowning.
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