2013-№4(41) Article 8
K.R. Vaganova
Formula of language requirements for business during the first half of the 19th century (based on the investigative decree). p. 75-82.
UDC 81-112.2
The paper deals with the ways of expressing formal orders accepted Russian investigation decrees in the early 19th century. Source analysis and close reading of official documents show that in the 19th century official texts abounded in certain syntactic and semantic clichés: imperative constructions, etc. The analysis of various official documents (orders, warrants, etc.) also shows that Siberian exile was one of the most popular punitive measures. Investigation decrees are characterized by syntactic compression and lexical precision, which can be explained by the specific content.
fugitive convicts, Western Siberia, source analysis and close reading, orders, official documents, clichés
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