2013-№4(41) Article 12

V.A. Krivtsov, S.A. Pravkin

Features of presentation and conditions of landslides on the slopes of the river valley Oka within Ryazan region. p. 109-125.

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UDC 551.4

The analysis of the slopes and river terraces of the Oka Valley in the Ryazan region shows that there are 14 zones favorable for landslide formation with a total area of 139 kilometers (the area adjoining the right bank is 98.5 kilometers, terrace area being 26 kilometers; the area adjoining the left bank is 40.5 kilometers, terrace area being 2.5 kilometers). Slopes are favorable for the formation of large-block frontal insequent landslides of about 10,000–20,000 cubic meters, small landslides, and landslips. Fluvial terraces favor the formation of small landslides and landslips. Neogene and Quaternary deposits of 8–30 meters are subject to landsliding. Impermeable Jurassic clays bedded under friable Neogene and Quaternary deposits favor large-block landslide formation. Frontal landslides are accompanied by the denudation of fluvial terraces and the formation of pediments 50–300 meters wide. Large-block frontal landslides are essentially cyclic and form during the periods of groundwater flooding. The last cycle was registered in 1998–2006. The 3–5 preceding cycles were registered in the late Holocene. Small landslides and landslips result from soil overdampening. The progressive erosion of slopes hinders large-block landslides formation.

the Oka river valley, slope, landslide, pediment.


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