2014-№1(42) Article 1
L.P. Kostikova
The formation of students’ linguo-sociocultural competence within the frames of the acmeological approach. Р. 5-17.
UDC 378
The paper centers on the formation of linguo-sociocultural competence in students of humanitarian higher educational institutions. It treats the issue through the prism of the acmeological approach. The author proves that the formation of linguo-sociocultural competence in students is responsible for the formation of life strategy, which allows further professional self-realization and self-actualization in the context of intercultural communication. The author maintains that the use of the acmeological approach enhances positive social and educational changes and promotes continual professional development providing favorable conditions for professional self-realization. The paper treats the ways and means of encouraging students’ natural desire to achieve the acme of self-development within the framework of higher education. The paper analyzes the process of linguo-sociocultural competence formation in students of humanitarian higher educational institutions through the prism of self-actualization in intercultural professional cooperation. The paper rests on the fundamental works within the field of the theory of self-actualization (K. Goldstein, A. Maslow), akmeology (B.G. Ananyev, A.A. Bodalev, A.A. Derkach) which define selfactualization as one of the central notions of acmeology.
Acmeological approach, linguo-sociocultural competence, intercultural cooperation, self-actualization, self-realization
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